Customer Care

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About Us

Company Profile

BEDC Electricity Plc. (BEDC) is one of the successor distribution companies (Discos) created following the unbundling and privatization of the state-owned Power Utility, Power Holding Company of Nigeria Plc. BEDC is responsible for retail distribution of electricity in Delta, Edo, Ekiti, and Ondo States with geographical coverage of 55,770 square kilometers. The company operates from twenty five (25) business districts with approximately 350 offices located across the four (4) states with about 13 million people and about 4 million households.

Our Core Focus

Our customers are our number 1 focus

We have assembled the best and the most experienced team and stakeholders to ensure that our customers get the best.

World-class Electricity

12years of experience

Welcome to Customer Care

Serving our list of esteemed long-term clients, we are an organization of seasoned professionals with a tremendous breadth of electrical and managerial experience and expertise across multiple industries. You can contact us at 0700 000 2332 Customer Care line: 24/7 Open: Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm Email:

  • PPM Token Resolution

    If unable to load meter or get your recharge token, kindly click here.

  • Moving home

    When you change address from one location to another, kindly inform us at least 48 hours prior to your day of relocation. This enable us update your records and billing account to your new address or property.

  • Our tariffs and rates

    Our NERC approved tariffs are tailored to meet the energy demands of our various clients ranging from domestic residences with minimal power consumption to industrial areas that require larger amounts of energy.

  • Building a new property

    If you are building a new property, be it an entirely new home or outer building such as a garage or pool house, you’ll want it connecting to an electricity supply.

  • Extra Care Service

    If you or a relative have any disability, special needs or are experiencing genuine hardship, we’ll make sure you receive our Extra Care Service. Simply complete the attached form, print it, sign it and return it to us.

  • Bills and Payments

    Pay your bills anywhere and anytime! You can pay your BEDC electricity bills through the following channels: Banks, POS Terminal, Online, Citiserve Network Partners and our Offices.
